The Illusion of your 3rd Dimentional Life

Beloved ones we greet you,

Today is your day to be alive and experience the true expression of yourself regardless of where you find yourself in the illusion of your 3rd dimensional life. Now is your time to celebrate the significance of being on the earth plane at this very sacred moment. We remind you of your commitment to be here, your commitment to play your role and fulfill being on this earth plane with the support of the Higher Realms.

In February you move forward into yet another dimensional setting of flowing light currents moving onto the earth plane. This will enable you to resurrect yourself into other aspects of your alignment to the higher dimensional states that is resurrecting the planet.

These light currents are designed for you to be able to access new revelations of understanding of this time, to be able to remember your heritage and re-access your plan that you have set in motion for now.

Your physical systems within your body have undergone a powerful transformation since the New Year. The cells of your body are carrying a new energetic light that is making it possible for you to move to an expanded experience of awakening, to a new meeting point of Self.

We, the Pleiadians are here with you to offer support in this next stage of your transition. As you open through these expanded directional light currents there will be a new phase of unique sacred experiences revealed to you.

Know that we move into a new chapter of supporting you in your awakening now. We call to you to open up and give us permission to work with you on another level in this next transitional period. Connect to your heart space and call us forward to act as ‘way showers’ in this next segment of your transition.

This time is about you being willing to allow the help at this juncture of your process. We are pre-destined to support many of you now in a new way. Working with you individually instead of collectively holding platforms.

The reason for this changing role now is because of these new series of light currents that are opening you to the Higher Realm perspectives of your sacred natures. Many of you need individual and unique support during this phase of your transition. You cannot do this specific aspect of your sacred transition alone.

The cells of your body are going to continue to be transformed by these flowing light currents. There will be an electrical redesign process take place within your systems. This redesign will support the birthing of a multi-dimensional awareness of your higher self. The restructuring of your electrical energy will allow this new frequency of light of Self to be held within your physical cells. Enabling you to begin to access and anchor to the multi-dimensional Higher Realm aspects of your higher Self.

This is where we will do unique individual adjustments with you to enable a fast and effective transition. We also hold a sacred light around you as you go through this deep metamorphic process.

There is the creation of a holy process of forging your sacred design as you become one within the essence of your being. The cells of your body will be infused with this light flow design, it will hold the imprint of your own sacredness of Self that you are:

“You are who you have been waiting for.”

We are reminding you that ‘all is in hand’, and so it is. You are in the perfect place at this time for your next steps to unfold. These series of experiences that you have created right now is exactly what is necessary to lead you to your next step. Your ego mind may have many doubts and questions. This is to be expected. Know this, there is nothing you need to work out, you will be moved where you need to be, and doors of opportunity will open when the time is right.

This is your time to be given access to many Truths and Understandings so that you can move towards new perspectives within the full multi-dimensional world. As you begin to open up into this new awareness of yourself there will be a echoing from the Universe that will support the transformation of every experience within your existence in every moment. The Universe will respond to the changing new perspective that you have within your self so that you can move more freely within the multi-dimensional framework that does exist.

We hold the frequency of love around you, like a womb. We witness your birthing process and hold a hand outwards towards you. Open to what is rightfully yours.

Infinite Blessings,

The Pleiadians

The Gestalt of Life


As we gain access to the higher mind we journey into the superconscious mind.  This part of the brain talks to us in a different way. First we must eliminate the lower mind of thoughts of lack and fear.  We can do this by using mind treatment sentences to prohibit negative thoughts to come back into the subconscious mind. The Christ within is a mighty force to be reckoned with. Over and over again, man is told to “stand still”.  You shall not need to fight this battle; set yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you.

We see this in incidents of a woman who needed two thousand dollars coming to the woman through the landlord when she became non resistant and not troubled and undisturbed, she received the money from a lottery. After all suffering had ended in her mind she also won the man’s love.

Poised, makes right decisions, Poise gives God Power a chance to rush through man, to will and to do its good.  Therefore, poise and grace makes one think clearly and make right decisions quickly.

Anger blurs the visions, poisons the blood, is a root of many diseases, and causes one to make wrong decisions leading to failure. It has been named one of the worst “sins,” as its reaction is so destructive. The student learns that in metaphysics sin has a much broader meaning than in the old teachings.

So through one’s distorted mental pictures, brings to pass the thing one fears. The work is to drive out these enemies ( from the subconscious mind). A way to make fear disappear is to walk up to the thing one is afraid of and slay it. How can we do this? By taking the sentences and work with them on a daily basis to clear the pathway for your thoughts match what it is you are wanting.

Within every man/woman there is a gold stream of consciousness; it is one’s consciousness of gold, of opulence, which brings riches into his life. In making the demands, one begins at his journey’s end, one declares I have already received. Continually affirming establishes the link in the subconscious.  If one had perfect faith, It would not be necessary to make an affirmation more than once, but to give thanks continually that you have received.

All power is given man/woman ( though right thinking) to bring their heaven on earth, and this is the goal of my Mind Treatments.

Brain Treatments, what you will receive:

Specific Affirmations for Prosperity, Right Conditions, For Faith, Health, Eyesight, Guidance, Hearing,

Right work, Freedom from fear and doubt. Money.

I will send you the affirmations to work on for the next 30 days. See how you do and email me the results.

I can’t wait to hear your stories of how these affirmations have worked for you.

All things are possible through the Christ which strengthens us! This affirmation alone clears your pathway for great things to happen in your life. Let us all become team members and help heal the world of its suffering and anger. Fear and doubt, hatred, bullying, inconsideration for our fellow earth mates. May the force be with you and may the supreme creative mind of God flow through you.

God speed we take our leave and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous Happy New Year!!


Energetic Alignments are becoming Emotional

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Greetings and welcome. Today is  a wonderful opportunity to meet with you beloveds. These Energetic Alignments have become quite emotional.

As the energies are continuing to flow, information packets are distributed to those who are now ready to become fully aware light carries.

The Christ light, love. grace, and compassion are working through every cell atom and organ of your body integrating each initiation from the Masters and Counsels of Light.

Conditions that could be experienced with these alignments are: crying at the sight of something or someone benevolent (just a reminder that you are not alone) thoughts of those who have passed over suddenly pop up in your mind and a message is given by a stranger or friend.

Sleep patterns change and you need less sleep. Electrical pins and needles of feet and legs. If these continue it is advisable to address these conditions with your medical practitioner for assessment and adjustments perhaps to your medications or check up.

Your tastes will change and your moods will vary. Have a Group you are affiliated with whom you meditate  or pray with and support each other through these changes. It is paramount that you not feel isolated or alone. These changes are affecting all of  humanity as our world changes and consciousness levels rise.  These energetic alignments can be a smooth transition for those who have prepared prior for these initiations. On the other hand that would depend on your spiritual evolution at this point in time.

The Master’s of Light and the Christ’s Throne Angels have brought forth certain codes through each initiate. Be at one with these energies and unite your tribal knowing.

The Terrian species are awakening, bring the ancient knowledge  and wisdom of plants back to the tribe. Know what healing properties plants hold. You are the master of your life.

Know thy works and share that content with others. We are the grandfathers, and grandmothers, who are responsible for the Children of this time.

They must know and understand the workings of the great mother. It is time, within a seconds notice her change can occur. We must be ready for this change.

Great Mother Wind has shown her devastation, she can be extreme and volitile,  erupting without notice as Fire bursts into our lives, we must be prepared and aware.

Let this be your everyday knowing, that the pipe in which you smoke has wisdom beyond the ages. Think great warriors of light. Get prepared for the homecoming. We now take our leave beloveds.  Eternal Blessings ….

Mysteries of Mind And Consciousness

The Universal Mind Is Intelligent Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life.

Energy changes with intention, instantaneously and powerfully. Changing your electromagnetic field of energy is not difficult, nor does it take years of study or practice. It is immediate. You can understand this by simply changing your thoughts and noticing the instant shift in the energy within and around you. Through practice, you can better manage, moment to moment, the energy that surrounds you.

The universal mind is not only intelligence,but it is substance, and this substance is the attractive force which brings electrons together by the law of attraction so they form atoms. the atoms in turn are brought together by the same law and form molecules; molecules take objective forms and so we find that the law is the creative force behind every manifestation, not only of atoms, but of worlds,of the universe,of everything of which the imagination can form any conception. Charles Haanel

~”When you hurt another, you create a distinct vibration of energy that is felt in all including yourself. When you help or love another, you create a distinct vibration that is felt in all including yourself. This vibration flows through the energy that connects us all, but also know that as this energy flows out and it returns back to you. So what you do to another, you do to yourself. ♥☀️ ~Auriella O’Neill


Stepping through portals into other possibilities is attainable when the mind is open to all possibilities.

“If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration.” — Nikolai Tesla

Credit: iStockphoto/Sebastian Kaulitzki


A new model of the brain’s thought processes explains the apparently chaotic activity patterns of individual neurons. They do not correspond to a simple stimulus/response linkage, but arise from the networking of different neural circuits.The brain as a network is complicated even modern science becomes truly stumped concerning the mechanisms of the brain and its  neuro-pathways which stimulate thought, reaction, feeling, movement, sound, vibration, element, and more.  We truly are a complex body mind and spirit. And I believe the universal mind is connected and intelligent enough to communicate to us through each other. We are a connected bionuero-pathway in the space time fabric, therefore are a universe within a universe.

In summary to be connected to the Universal Mind one can change there thoughts to change their life. As Tesla said, “If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration.” — Nikolai Tesla

The 10 Important Keys To A Successful Holistic Health Practice

  1. Optimal Health is the primary goal of holistic medical practice. It is the conscious pursuit of the highest level of functioning and balance of the physical, environmental, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of human experience, resulting in a dynamic state of being fully alive. This creates a condition of well-being regardless of the presence or absence of disease.
  2. The Healing Power of Love. Holistic health care practitioners strive to meet the patient with grace, kindness, acceptance, and spirit without condition, as love is life’s most powerful healer.
  3. Whole Person. Holistic health care practitioners view people as the unity of body, mind, spirit and the systems in which they live.
  4. Prevention and Treatment. Holistic health care practitioners promote health, prevent illness and help raise awareness of dis-ease in our lives rather than merely managing symptoms. A holistic approach relieves symptoms, modifies contributing factors, and enhances the patient’s life system to optimize future well-being.
  5. Innate Healing Power. All people have innate powers of healing in their bodies, minds and spirits. Holistic health care practitioners evoke and help patients utilize these powers to affect the healing process.
  6. Integration of Healing Systems. Holistic health care practitioners embrace a lifetime of learning about all safe and effective options in diagnosis and treatment. These options come from a variety of traditions, and are selected in order to best meet the unique needs of the patient. The realm of choices may include lifestyle modification and complementary approaches as well as conventional drugs and surgery.
  7. Relationship-centered Care. The ideal practitioner-patient relationship is a partnership which encourages patient autonomy, and values the needs and insights of both parties. The quality of this relationship is an essential contributor to the healing process.
  8. Individuality. Holistic health care practitioners focus patient care on the unique needs and nature of the person who has an illness rather than the illness that has the person.
  9. Teaching by Example. Holistic health care practitioners continually work toward the personal incorporation of the principles of holistic health, which then profoundly influence the quality of the healing relationship.
  10. Learning Opportunities. All life experiences including birth, joy, suffering and the dying process are profound learning opportunities for both patients and health care practitioners.

Archangel Haniel, Aniel

Archangel Haniel, Aniel.

Meditation with Archangel Haniel….

What Happens Every 60 Seconds?

infographicshowswhathappensevery60secondsontheinternet_4e5faef6755ce We live in very exciting times folks. Opportunity to communicate with so many people around the world. Enjoy the infograph. See you back here soon. Let me know what you think. Look forward to our chat.

Awaken To Self Mastery Heal­ing like Jesus Christ: Rec­og­niz­ing the Inner Mech­a­nism of Mir­a­cles !

Heal­ing like Jesus Christ: Rec­og­niz­ing the Inner Mech­a­nism of Mir­a­cles

Day5 Sri Kalesh­war says that this is the first time in spir­i­tual his­tory that this kind of energy, which he calls mir­a­cle energy, is being made avail­able to the many. This means not only receiv­ing mir­a­cle energy by doing these prac­tices but see­ing for our­selves with our own eyes the inner mech­a­nism of mir­a­cles — see­ing how a super­nat­ural occur­rence can be cre­ated in the nat­ural world. To under­stand God, we must under­stand God’s energy. God’s energy can­not be sep­a­rated from mir­a­cle energy. “God is mir­a­cle energy. God is super­nat­ural abil­ity. With­out mir­a­cle energy, we can’t call Him God,” he says. It is see­ing how mir­a­cle energy works; how heal­ing happens-​the flow of energy and its effect-​direct action to reac­tion. Through these ancient prac­tices, Sri Kaleshwar’s stu­dents gain the abil­ity to expe­ri­ence and absorb the high­est cos­mic ener­gies. By bring­ing up a person’s own energy it becomes pos­si­ble to con­nect to Mother Divine and see Her with our own eyes. Now the mirac­u­lous process of con­nect­ing to Mother Divine is being revealed to all who open heart­edly seek it and who are will­ing to do the spir­i­tual prac­tice that will bring this divine bless­ing. Sri Kalesh­war says he offered his life to Mother Divine to pre­pare and give out the inner mech­a­nism of mir­a­cles. This is why hun­dreds of his stu­dents have had expe­ri­ences with Mother Divine and have received Her boons and bless­ings. He says, “No mas­ter for 2,000 years has given a guar­an­tee to con­nect to the real Mother in phys­i­cal form, to receive amaz­ing heal­ing abil­i­ties and enlight­en­ment chan­nels (from Her).”

Sri Ramakr­ishna Parama­hamsa, the great saint of Dak­shineswar, per­formed these sad­hanas because he longed to see Mahakali, a form of Mother Divine. Through the same processes, he was able to win a chan­nel so that he was able to see and talk with Her every­day. It is Sri Kaleshwar’s per­sonal feel­ing that Ramakr­ishna Parama­hamsa gave these prac­tices to his stu­dents but they did not know how to fol­low the guide­lines prop­erly and so did not get the results. It is said that even his fore­most dis­ci­ple, Swami Vivekananda, only saw Mother Divine’s toe. Sri Kalesh­war said, “We are not see­ing any of Paramahamsa’s stu­dents lead­ing the globe today. We have to wait and see the results. What will hap­pen?” Because of the boons granted by the Mother Her­self to Sri Kalesh­war, his stu­dents would be able to have this mirac­u­lous abil­ity of con­nect­ing to Her. Once a per­son con­nects to Mother Divine, espe­cially the form of Mahakali, the very air they breathe would become sanc­ti­fied. They would purify every­thing around them. The Mother’s energy would flow through them and they could bless the world with Her shakti. Sri Kalesh­war says that it is through shakti that a per­son can help the world and give an expe­ri­ence of satchi­tananda.

The Reli­gion of Love

Jesus3The ancient knowl­edge, the ‘Sci­ence of the Soul’, con­tain the prac­tices and tools by which the soul can real­ize itself, open the mirac­u­lous energy and ulti­mately become a pourna avatar, an enlight­ened soul whose life is ded­i­cate to heal­ing and serv­ing the planet. Such a per­son under­stands the mys­tery of life and death, can make impos­si­ble things pos­si­ble, and can give oth­ers the direct expe­ri­ence of real­ity. Sri Kalesh­war says, “Every soul has the poten­tial to reach the level of a Shirdi Baba or Jesus and con­tribute amaz­ing things to the world. Every­body can do it. That’s my golden state­ment. That’s my mis­sion. Everybody’s equal. What did Jesus Christ say? ‘Who really trusts in me — they will become more pow­er­ful than myself.’ That means all his stu­dents.”

Sri Kalesh­war feels the major­ity of saints were not able to take stu­dents to this level of mas­tery because they don’t know how to give the proper guide­lines to these prac­tices in order to achieve suc­cess. It is his deep­est desire to leave a legacy of hun­dreds of spir­i­tual mas­ters who in turn will con­tinue to cre­ate a lin­eage of many more spir­i­tual mas­ters. He has asked Mother Divine for the boon that his stu­dents will be even greater than him. When asked what he feels is his great­est gift to the world, he says humbly, “My stu­dents.” He says he is not here to cre­ate a new reli­gion. He is teach­ing the divine tra­di­tion that doesn’t belong to any one reli­gion. He says, “Reli­gions are dif­fer­ent, lan­guages are dif­fer­ent, but the lan­guage of the heart is the same. My lan­guage is the lan­guage of the heart. God only has one orga­ni­za­tion and that’s love. I’m going to that point, only there. The love orga­ni­za­tion — the reli­gion of love.” to learn more


Message: Full Moon Spirit Medicine

Message from Unicorn:
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Embrace the mystery.  Bask in the not knowing and enjoy your  experience.

What a wonderful thing it is to be able to perceive beauty and not  know what it is that excites the heart.

What a beautiful thing it is, to feel the presence of Spirit and not be able to explain just what that feels like.

The love and essence felt so deeply, yet absorbed in  an absolute speechless moment of the embrace of what I call unconditional love.

When Spirit comes to you on wings of serendipity and coincidence, pay attention to the message.

Not every rock is meant to be overturned.  Not every puzzle is meant to be solved with a rational mind.  Some puzzles can only be solved by the heart’s logic.

Some answers only come when the mind is silent to hear the subtle voice within. When the heart speaks its as if you know your true calling.

The beauty of an
open heart,  gives to those  who cannot be  reached,  love them, love their spirit and soon their consciousness will filter and someday feel that love given so unconditionally.

Let us celebrate the mystery of the Unicorn.  Open your heart with love and be ecstatic,  rear your inner horse, feel as you have never felt before.  Keep the power of Unicorn spirit close to you, experience the unknown, experience is all that is this full moon.

Be at peace, love yourself, Namaste