Today’s Reading- Cutting the cords that keep you in fear

Image Attachments to fear stem from past experiences or relationships. A cord similar to a leash made of tubing which is hollow has attached itself to both of you. Cords between you and your parents (living or dead) siblings, lovers, anyone you have had negative relationships with.

The cords of  love cannot be cut so don’t worry. However,  you need to cut the cords of fear and negativity in order to regain your energy.

These connections to those relationships could be causing the physical pain you now hold in your body.  Think of a question or situation you would like assistance with. Then you can say out loud or to yourself.

I call upon  Archangel Michael (the one who can cut the cords for you and clear old patterns and attachments).  I am willing to let go of the pain, blocks and suffering of the past relationship keeping me from moving forward in my life. I am now ready to release all pain for peace in my life.

You can do this exercise when you feel drained or blocked from fear coming up over past experiences consequently, you may feel a shuttering or trembling in your body this is normal for the release is happening. Or you may feel nothing. This is your experience and you are in charge of it.

Today this reading came up because you are connected somehow to a past relationship which is interfering with the situation you asked about. Fortunately with this exercise and Archangel Michael help you can banish the cords that keep you bound to the past.

©2013 Working With The Archangels no part of this message may be copied; for your personal use only. May be forwarded with credit given to the Author, Sheilah Blaxill

About Working With The Archangels

Sheilah is a Healer, has been in private practice since 1993 in California and Hawaii. She uses her synergistic abilities to do Multidimensional Healing. Sheilah's Bio: Rev. Sheilah Blaxill, B.Msc, Master Healer, Reiki Master. Sheilah grew up in Long Beach California, spent many years working in and studying the art of healing in California, Hawaii, Europe. When she visited the Chalise Well in Glastonbury, England in 73' and tasted the waters a transformation took place which began her discovery of self and guided her to the healing arts. Her love for Music, the Arts and healing brings out her loving passionate energy and it shows through the love, wisdom and care she has for others. Sheilah aims to help each of her clients achieve Self Mastery with loving self-awareness and self-Respect, which are fundamental to health of mind, body and spirit. Sheilah studied at Solar Cross Post Secondary School, California, and graduated with Instructor status. She studied Usui Reiki Ryoho and other Mystery School Teachings from the Delphian Institute, Santa Clara, California, and is proficient as a Reiki Master to elevate others to Master Level. Sheilah earned her Bachelor’s in Metaphysical Science from the University of Sedona and received a Counseling Psychology Association Membership Certificate of Continuing Post Graduate Education (2015). She Is a member of American Holistic Medical Association, and has a Teaching Credential with the State of Hawaii, Department of Education in Massage Therapy. Sheilah is Certified with CAMTC, California, as Certified Massage Therapist # 20526. Sheilah’s fascination for the healing arts and the truth behind how Jesus healed lead her to an Indian Master, Sri Kaleshwar, who introduced methods and mechanisms on healing as Jesus did. Sheilah was initiated into Surya Nadi Chandra Nadi, Jesus Channels, Third Eye Initiation, 5 Elements, Sri Chakra, 9 Arrows, amoung other secret teachings. Maya & Sage Knowles, were major spiritual guides who led her through more stages of her spiritual development. She earned Certification as a Sai Shakti Healer. Her exceptional intuitive healing nature gives access to many levels and through her ability to gather needed information as learned from her Spiritual Mind Treatments from University of Sedona, and her Mystery School Teachings, at The Delphian Institute, would explain the certain healing phenomenon that occurs around her. She has been called a beyonder. Her work goes beyond utilizing her intuition to make sense of disconnects between day-to-day life and the wear and tear on the body. She is a guide to better health and healing and well being on so many levels. Extraordinary! Sheilah Blaxill, B.Msc. ©2013 -2015Working With The Archangels no part of this message may be copied; for your personal use only. Messages may be forwarded with credit given to this blog and the Author, Sheilah Blaxill, B.Msc

Posted on 2013/06/21, in Archangels. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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